Daleks Aren't Robots!?
In this Doctor Who podcast, Whovians Zach and Josh take newbies Kari and Justin all the way back to the 60s to experience the show for the first time. Have you fed your TARDIS today?
Daleks Aren't Robots!?
Episode 8: Reign of Terror
Daleks Aren't Robots
Season 1
Episode 8
Today, we look at "Reign of Terror," a Doctor Who story that sees the TARDIS team travel to revolutionary France. Will they lose their heads? Will we lose ours? Will we confidently discuss French politics despite not knowing anything much about it? (Yes. Yes we will.)
Daleks Aren't Robots!? is a podcast in which two Whovian friends take two non-Whovians on a deep dive through the show from the very beginning.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daleksarentrobots
Twitter: https://twitter.com/daleksrntrobots
Theme: Garage - Monplaisir